Institute: ONC | Component: 2 | Unit: 9 | Lecture: c | Slide: 16
Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:The Culture of Health Care
Unit:Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security
Lecture:HIPAA Privacy Rule
Slide content:Allowable Non-TPO Disclosures Research Overview: HHS, 2004 Authorization by patient is generally required Authorization waiver can be provided by an institutional review board (IRB) or privacy board approval Must involve no more than a minimal risk Research could not be practically conducted without waiver and without access to PHI Public Health Can be disclosed to public health agencies for public health activities Also allowed for child abuse reporting, exposure to communicable diseases, and workforce surveillance Other Law enforcement Decedents Cadaveric tissue donation 16
Slide notes:What are some of the allowable disclosures outside of TPO? One area is research. HHS has a publication that describes what is and isnt allowed under the HIPAA Privacy Rule. In general, authorization by the patient is required, and the NPP usually contains a clause that allows information to be used for research purposes. However, some waivers can be granted without the patients explicit approval by either an institutional review board, also known as an IRB [I-R-B], or a privacy board. The Privacy Rule states that when this authorization waiver is used, there must be no more than a minimal risk of disclosure of information and that the research could not be practically conducted without the waiver and without access to personal health information. Some public health disclosures are allowed so that information gathered by public health agencies can be released. Information in specific areas such as child abuse, exposure to communicable diseases, and workforce surveillance can also be disclosed. Some other areas where disclosure is permitted include information related to law enforcement, issues related to decedents [ dih - seed - ents ] and cadaveric [ ka -duh- vehr - ihk ] tissue donation. 16