Institute: ONC | Component: 2 | Unit: 9 | Lecture: a | Slide: 25
Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:The Culture of Health Care
Unit:Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security
Lecture:Definitions of privacy, confidentiality, and security
Slide content:Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security References Lecture a Continued 2 (2013). Federal-state healthcare coordination: Health information security and privacy collaboration (HISPC). Retrieved from . (2016). Your health information rights. Retrieved from HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society). (2015). 2015 HIMSS security survey. Retrieved from (full report limited to members only; executive summary available free to download). Hodge, J., Gostin , L., & Jacobson, P. (1999). Legal issues concerning electronic health information: Privacy, quality, and liability. JAMA , 282, 14661471. Keteyian , A. (2010, April 15). Digital photocopiers loaded with secrets. CBS News . Retrieved from Kutscher, B. (2016, March 3). Healthcare underspends on cybersecurity as attacks accelerate. Modern Healthcare . Retrieved from 160309922/healthcare-underspends-on-cybersecurity-as-attacks-accelerate Lee, C., & Goldfarb, Z. (2006, June 30). Stolen VA laptop and hard drive recovered. Washington Post , p. A01. Retrieved from AR2006062900352.html Lumley, T., & Rice, K. (2010). Potential for revealing individual-level information in genome-wide association studies. JAMA , 303, 859860. 25
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