Institute: ONC | Component: 2 | Unit: 8 | Lecture: c | Slide: 23
Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:The Culture of Health Care
Unit:Ethics and Professionalism
Lecture:Contemporary topics in medical ethics
Slide content:Ethics and Professionalism References Lecture c Continued Oakley, J. (2015). Good medical ethics, from the inside outand back again. Journal of Medical Ethics ,41(1), 4851. Pope TM. (2010). Legal briefing: C onscience clauses and conscientious refusal. J ournal of Clin ical Ethics , 21(2) , 163 176. Rich, BA. (2015). Your morality, my mortality: Conscientious objection and the standard of care. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics , 24 (2), 214220. Schneiderman , L . J . , Jecker , N . S . , & Jonsen , A . R. (1990). Medical futility: I ts meaning and ethical implications. Ann als of Intern al Med icine , 112 , 949 954. Tillyard , A . R. (2007). Ethics review: L iving wills and intensive care A n overview of the American experience. Critical Care , 11 (4) , 219. University of Minnesota Center for Bioethics . (2005). End of life care: An ethical overview . Retrieved from Wade, J., Donovan, J., Paramasivan , S., Lane, A., Neal, D., & Hamdy , F. (2013). Evaluating best practice in informed consent discussions: A new method of evaluating information provision and patient understanding during trial recruitment consultations. Trials , 14 ( Suppl 1), O70. Whitehead , M. (1990). The concepts and principles of equity and health . World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. Retrieved from 23
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