Institute: ONC | Component: 2 | Unit: 8 | Lecture: b | Slide: 8
Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:The Culture of Health Care
Unit:Ethics and Professionalism
Lecture:Ethical and legal standards
Slide content:State Medical Board The majority of the members are physicians, but should also include non-physicians Writes rules and regulations Gives examinations and awards medical licenses Investigates complaints, holds hearings Administers disciplinary actions Evaluates medical education programs 8
Slide notes:Although legislators decide the medical practice law in each state, the state medical board is in charge of the nuts-and-bolts governance of the medical profession for physicians. In some states, the board is an independent entity, whereas in other states its part of a larger organization, such as the state department of health. A state medical board is usually made up of non-physician members of the community as well as physicians. However, the Federation of State Medical Boards recommends that physicians should be the majority and should have primary responsibility for overseeing the boards licensing and education responsibilities. The typical powers and responsibilities of a state medical board include the ability to write rules and regulations based on the state medical practice law. For example, the board evaluates medical schools. It gives examinations to graduates who want to enter medical practice, and it investigates complaints against physicians. Its responsible for disciplining physicians it finds to be in violation of professional standards. In addition, the board deals with any individuals who are practicing medicine without a license. Other health care professions may also have a state board, such as a state board of nursing or a state board of pharmacy. These operate in a manner similar to the medical board for physicians. 8