Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:The Culture of Health Care
Unit:Quality Measurement and Improvement
Lecture:Current quality measures in use
Slide content:CQM: Eligible Professional (Physician) Example Continued Measure: Appropriate testing for children with pharyngitis (sore throat) Numerator statement: Children with a group A streptococcus test in the 7-day period from 3 days prior through 3 days after the diagnosis of pharyngitis Denominator statement: Children aged 218 years who had an outpatient or emergency department (ED) visit with a diagnosis of pharyngitis during the measurement period and an antibiotic ordered on or 3 days after the visit 16
Slide notes:The numerator statement (or data collected) is the number of children with a group A streptococcus test in the seven-day period from three days prior through three days after the diagnosis of pharyngitis. The denominator statement (or the data collected) is the number of children ages two to eighteen years who had an outpatient or emergency department visit with a diagnosis of pharyngitis during the measurement period and an antibiotic ordered within three days after the visit. 16