Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:The Culture of Health Care
Unit:Quality Measurement and Improvement
Lecture:Definitions and framework for assessing quality
What is known about health care quality
Slide content:Commonwealth Fund National Scorecard (Schoen, 2011) Up to 84,000 fewer Americans would die prematurely from causes amenable to health care if United States achieved lower mortality rate of three other leading countries Reducing insurance administrative costs to comparable costs of other best countries would save $114 billion per year Medicare could save $4.2 billion per year by reducing hospitalizations for preventable conditions 13
Slide notes:Other studies, such as that done by Schoen [ show - en ] and colleagues with the Commonwealth Fund, have found that the quality of care for patients with chronic diseases is no better, and in many ways is worse, in the United States than in other developed countries. Their most recent national scorecard found that up to 84,000 fewer Americans would die prematurely from causes amenable to health care if the United States achieved the lower mortality rate of three other leading countries. The analysis also found that reducing insurance administrative costs to the level in other best countries would save $114 billion per year and that Medicare could save $4.2 billion per year by reducing hospitalizations for preventable conditions. 13