Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:The Culture of Health Care
Unit:Evidence-Based Practice
Lecture:Definition and application of EBM
Slide content:The New EBM Mantra: Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) Achieved prominence when American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) allocated $1.1 billion for CER Required preparation of two reports to inform operational plan: Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research (2009) Defined CER (next slide) Called for development not only of research but also of human and scientific capital, data infrastructure, and dissemination IOM report for prioritizing research ( Committee on Comparative Effectiveness Research Prioritization, Board on Health Care Services, & Institute of Medicine , 2009) Identified top 100 research priorities 8
Slide notes:One of the new focuses of the EBM community is comparative effectiveness research , or CER [C-E-R]. Like health information technology, CER has achieved highly visible prominence through its funding in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, or ARRA [ err -uh]. Completely aside from all the health information technology (IT [ eye-tee ]) funding, the stimulus bill allocated one-point-one billion dollars for CER. ARRA also stipulated that two reports be prepared to inform the operational plan for CER. These reports were published in June 2009one by the Federal Coordinating Council for CER and the other by the Institute of Medicine, prioritizing research topics. The Federal Coordinating Council report defined CER, which is covered in the next slide. The report called for emphasis not only on the research that needs to be done but also on other aspects around CER, such as human and scientific capital. CER requires developing individuals with the expertise to do the research; scientific methodology to carry it out; data infrastructure, including registries, data warehouses, and other electronic data sources, to support it; and a mechanism to disseminate this research to decision makers, patients, clinicians, and policymakers. The Institute of Medicine report prioritized 100 top research objectives that address not only common diseases that require a lot of resources to treat but also issues around health care delivery and health disparities. 8