Institute: ONC | Component: 2 | Unit: 3 | Lecture: b | Slide: 7
Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:The Culture of Health Care
Unit:Health Care Settings The Places Where Care is Delivered
Lecture:Departments and services Interrelationships between health care organizations Medical data use and impact
Slide content:Roles and Responsibilities 3.4 Chart: Example of a chief medical information officer reporting structure. CC BY by Jan Kraus Read more: http:// 7
Slide notes:The chief executive officer (CEO) leads the organization and usually reports to a board of directors. In large health care organizations, such as integrated delivery networks, the CEO may report to a system-level president or chief operating officer. Staff who report to the CEO typically include the: Chief operating office r (COO) , Chief financial officer (CFO) , Chief medical officer (CMO) , Chief information officer (CIO) , and Chief medical information officer (CMIO) The COO is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the health care organization. The CFO manages the fiscal aspects of the organization, including the operating budget, contracting, income and expenditures, billing, employee compensation, revenue cycle, and in some cases financial data analytics. The CMO is a physician who serves as a liaison to the medical staff and the rest of the health care organization. The CMO is involved in or has direct responsibility for clinical care, quality improvement, and sometimes, graduate medical education. The CIO has gained prominence with the evolution of technology in medical instrumentation, implementation of electronic health records (EHRs), expansion of clinical systems, and the implementation of more complex business administration and financial systems. The CIO is responsible for all information systems and services of the organization, including software, network, hardware, and end-user support. The CIO may also be responsible for telephony services. In larger organizations, the CMIO may report to the CIO. In other organizations, this position may report directly to the CMO or to the head of similar departments. The CMIO serves as a liaison between the medical staff and the information technology department to ensure effective and efficient deployment of clinical information systems and integration of these systems with the physicians workflow and clinical practice. Similar position titles found in provider organizations may include chief clinical information officer or chief health information officer. Again, the reporting structure may vary across provider organizations. 7