Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:The Culture of Health Care
Unit:Health Care Settings The Places Where Care is Delivered
Lecture:Departments and services
Interrelationships between health care organizations
Medical data use and impact
Slide content:Nursing 3.5 Chart: Example of nursing department organization chart. CC BY by Vivian Todhunter University of Rochester Medical Center, 2011 10
Slide notes:The nursing division is typically headed by the CNO who reports to the CEO. Nursing is responsible for managing and staffing all the nursing units, including inpatient nursing departments. With the ongoing shift from inpatient services to outpatient and ambulatory services, nursing responsibilities may include the growing number of outpatient and ambulatory departments as well as primary care clinics and specialty clinics. Patients who are admitted to a hospital are managed and given care through inpatient nursing units. These units usually include pediatrics [pee-dee- at -triks], medicine, surgery, and obstetrics-gynecology [uhb- stet -triksgahy-ni- kol -uh-jee], but they may also include subspecialties such as orthopedics [or-thu- pee -diks], oncology [on- kol -uh-jee], and rehabilitation. Critical care units typically include cardiac intensive care, surgical intensive care, medical intensive care, pediatric intensive care, and neonatal [nee-oh- nay -tal] intensive care but may include more specialized units in academic or specialized hospitals. Other types of units include the emergency department, labor and delivery, and surgery (operating rooms and the postanesthesia [post-an-es- thee -zha] care unit). The nursing division is also usually responsible for nursing education and professional development training. This sometimes includes training all hospital personnel in areas such as cardiopulmonary [ kar -dee-oh- pul -mon-err- ee ] resuscitation [ ree - sus - si - tay -shun]. In academic hospitals, there may be ambulatory or inpatient units that function as research units. 10