Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:The Culture of Health Care
Unit:Health Professionals The People in Health Care
Lecture:Physician assistants, Pharmacists, Therapists, Technicians, Paramedics, Dental Professionals, Mental Health Professionals, Care Coordinators
Non-clinical IT/Informatics Roles for Clinicians
Effects of Changing Care Models on Clinicians
Slide content:Requirements for Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and Paramedics Position Requirements EMT 120 150 hours of coursework CPR Artificial ventilations Administer oxygen Basic airway management Spinal immobilization Vital signs Bandaging and splinting Transport patients Advanced EMT 200 400 hours of coursework In addition to EMT tasks: Start IV lines Automated defibrillation Paramedic 1,200 1,800 hours of coursework In addition to Advanced EMT tasks: Administer medications Advanced airway management Manual defibrillation 2.2 Table: This work by Travis Nimmo was adapted from MedicOne Medical Response, Difference between Paramedics and EMTs (2009), and is licensed under CC-BY 19
Slide notes:This slide represents the progression of training available for emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics. As the amount of training increases, so does the level of skills acquired, as judged by the types of procedural skills tested. The number of training hours represents ranges seen in various training programs; the suggested content of the courses is a minimal content level. This table outlines the current progression for EMT training. However, changes have been proposed for the requirements of these three levels: EMT, advanced EMT, and paramedic. States vary on how much course work and type of testing required for licensure, but all states require EMTs and paramedics to be licensed. The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians does provide a mechanism for certification of EMTs at a national level. EMTs and paramedics are generally the first medical responders to arrive on the scene of an emergency, accident, or disaster to treat injuries or serious illnesses. They are responsible for the patients initial assessment, stabilization, and transport. They typically have contact with a hospital emergency department to discuss diagnostic and treatment options with physicians prior to patient transportation to the hospital if needed. 19