Institute: ONC | Component: 2 | Unit: 2 | Lecture: b | Slide: 20
Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:The Culture of Health Care
Unit:Health Professionals The People in Health Care
Lecture:Nursing Professionals Non-clinical IT/Informatics Roles for Clinicians Effects of Changing Care Models on Clinicians
Slide content:Nursing in 2025 Nursing supply could exceed demand, but availability will be uneven, and several factors could cause a shortfall The need for nurses (RNs) and advanced nurse practitioners will increase with the anticipated physician shortage Colleges and universities are not able to keep up with demand due to lack of qualified faculty American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2014 20
Slide notes:Employment projections released in December 2013 anticipated a shortage of nurses by 2025. In contrast, a 2014 HRSA study projected that nursing supply could outpace demand by 2025. The contrasting studies reflect the changing employment environment for clinical workers. The HRSA study, for instance, further stated that uneven distribution of nurses will result in shortfalls in several states and noted that retirements and other factors could shift projections. One factor that could limit the expansion of nursing supply is a shortage of nursing faculty. In addition to the current shortage, existing faculty are aging and retiring, and there are not enough qualified applicants available to replace them. In addition, the need for advanced nurse practitioners is anticipated to increase to supplement the physicians role in providing direct patient care. This is due in part to the anticipated physician shortage along with the need of skilled clinicians in the ambulatory setting as patient care shifts from the inpatient setting to the outpatient and home settings. 20