Institute: ONC | Component: 2 | Unit: 2 | Lecture: b | Slide: 15
Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:The Culture of Health Care
Unit:Health Professionals The People in Health Care
Lecture:Nursing Professionals Non-clinical IT/Informatics Roles for Clinicians Effects of Changing Care Models on Clinicians
Slide content:Nonclinical Roles of Nursing Administration Research Education Nursing school Continuing nursing education Case management Nursing/clinical informatics 15
Slide notes:As with any health care profession, there are opportunities for nonclinical roles. They sometimes require additional nursing or other graduate degrees. Nurse administrators are common in both hospitals and ambulatory settings. Nurses can serve an active role in both basic and clinical research. They provide clinical and nonclinical teaching in nursing schools and in continuing nursing education. There is also a need for nurses to be involved in case management and quality improvement. As it is for physicians, informatics is a relatively new role for nurses. Informatics focuses on the effective use of information systems in providing patient care services. 15