Institute: ONC | Component: 2 | Unit: 2 | Lecture: a | Slide: 14
Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:The Culture of Health Care
Unit:Health Professionals The People in Health Care
Lecture:Introduction and Physicians Non-clinical IT/Informatics Roles for Clinicians Effects of Changing Care Models on Clinicians
Slide content:Surgical Subspecialties Cardiovascular surgery Colon and rectal (colorectal) surgery Neurosurgery Orthopedic surgery Otolaryngologic surgery Pediatric surgery Plastic surgery Urologic surgery 14
Slide notes:A general surgeon treats common surgical problems in a variety of anatomic [an-uh- tom -ick] locations. Many surgical subspecialists must first complete a residency in general surgery before pursuing a career as a specialty surgeon. This slide lists several examples of surgical subspecialties. Cardiovascular surgery is performed on the heart and blood vessels. Colon and rectal surgeons work with surgical problems in the lower intestinal tract. Neurosurgery deals with surgical problems of the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system. Orthopedic surgeons treat sports injuries and disease of the bones and joints. Otolaryngology [oh-toh-lar-ing- gol -uh-jee] surgeons specialize in ear, nose, and throat disorders. Pediatric surgery is surgery on infants, children, and adolescents. Plastic surgery includes cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Urology [ yoo - rol -uh- jee ] surgeons specialize in the kidneys and urinary tract. 14