Institute: ONC | Component: 2 | Unit: 1 | Lecture: b | Slide: 14
Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:The Culture of Health Care
Unit:An Overview of the Culture of Health Care
Lecture:Learning more about the culture of health care
Slide content:Field Studies to Support HIT Design and Evaluation - Examples Field Study Examples Researcher & Date Workstation design based on ethnography of work practices Fafchamps 1991 and Forsythe 1992 Computer supported cooperative work, collaborative sense making and information use in critical care, emergency care Forsyth 1999, Ho 2007 and Paul 2010 Bar code medication technology impact, side effects Patterson 2002 Informal information sharing in critical care Vuckovic 2004 Computerized order entry impact on doctor-nurse cooperation, cognitive analysis Beuscart-Zephir 2005 Physician patient interaction with exam room computers, video ethnography Ventres 2006 Language differences among physicians Bruzzi 2006 1.3 Table: Gorman, 2010. Used with Permission. 14
Slide notes:To wrap up, we can consider several examples of the type of field studies weve been discussing that have been used in biomedical informatics [in- fer -mat- iks ]. This work dates back at least to early ethnographic [eth- nuh - graf -ik ] studies of work practices which informed the design of computer workstations, such as the work of Danielle Fafchamps [ fahf -shawmp ] and the late Diana Forsythe. The American Medical Informatics [in- fer -mat- iks ] Association gives an annual Diana Forsythe Award to the best studies of this type at its annual meeting. Other examples include studies of collaborative sense making and information use in critical care and emergency care, such as those cited here by Forsyth, Ho, and Paul. Many studies of bar code medication technology have looked at its impact and side effects based on how its actually used in the field, notably the work of Emily Patterson. Similarly, informal information sharing in critical care settings was described by Nancy Vuckovic [ voo -koh -vitch ]. The impact of computer order entry systems on doctor-nurse cooperation and cognition was examined by Marie Catherine Beuscart-Zephir [ buhs - kart zehf -ear ] and physician-patient interaction using exam room computers was studied using video ethnography by Bill Ventres [ vehn- treh ] and colleagues. These are just a few examples of the ways in which ethnographic approaches to the study of health professionals and their work practices have led to insights about the design and use of health information technology in health care settings. 14