Institute: ONC | Component: 2 | Unit: 1 | Lecture: a | Slide: 23
Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:The Culture of Health Care
Unit:An Overview of the Culture of Health Care
Lecture:What is meant by "the culture of health care"
Slide content:An Overview of the Culture of Health Care Summary Lecture a Culture has many meanings that are relevant to health care and health IT Health care takes place in a complex mix of cultures: professional, organizational, etc. Culture is not apparent from withintaken for granted We work more effectively when we are aware of the differencescultural competence applied to health IT as well as to management and patients One job of informatics professionals is to bridge these cultures and translate across boundaries 23
Slide notes:This concludes Lecture a of The Culture of Health Care: An Overview of the Culture of Health Care . In summary, the main points of this lecture are: Culture , as its used in relation to health care, has many meanings that are relevant to health care and health information technology. Health care takes place in a complex mix of cultures including professional and organizational. Culture is not apparent from within as its taken for granted by its members, though differences may be obvious to outsiders and we can work more effectively when we are made aware of these differences. And finally, cultural competence can be applied not only to the interaction of health professionals with their patients, but also to the interactions between IT professionals and the health care system. It becomes evident that one job of biomedical informatics professionals is to bridge these cultures and translate across the boundaries. We can do this by learning more about the health care culture, which is the subject of the second lecture in this introduction to health care culture. 23