Institute: ONC | Component: 2 | Unit: 1 | Lecture: a | Slide: 10
Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:The Culture of Health Care
Unit:An Overview of the Culture of Health Care
Lecture:What is meant by "the culture of health care"
Slide content:Chronic Care Model Coordinates Community Resources with Health System to Enable Interaction Between Team and Patient 1.2 Figure: Wagner, 1998. Used with Permission. 10
Slide notes:This graphic makes a somewhat similar point about the care of chronic conditions. There is no question that the care of chronic conditions depends on the existence of modern health care technologies: insulin and other medications for diabetes, antihypertensive [an-tee- hy -per-ten- siv ] medications for blood pressure, surgical or other interventions for hardening of the arteries. However, our contemporary understanding of how people with chronic conditions can achieve the best social and clinical outcomes is based on some variant of the chronic care model articulated by Wagner in 1998. In this model, the existence of treatments is important, but to take best advantage of them requires coordinated action that incorporates community-based resources and policies, organized and accessible health care services, support for individual self-management, information systems, and decision support to assist clinicians and patients. All of these factors working together are needed to produce productive interactions between an informed and active patient in a prepared and proactive practice team. You can see that this chronic care model requires much more than a simple prescription or treatment based on an individual clinician-patient interaction. The graphic reminds us that health is not solely the product of the health care system but the result of broader community and social factors brought to bear on individual conditions Recent chronic care delivery models continue to expand the intersection point of the traditional hospital based health care system with broader community participants who provide medical and health services benefiting both the individual patient and the community population. Health information technology is necessary to support the success of the chronic care delivery model and facilitate effective patient care activities ---- for both long term disease management and short term episodic treatment. 10