Institute: ONC | Component: 1 | Unit: 6 | Lecture: a | Slide: 14
Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:Introduction to Health Care and Public Health in the U.S.
Unit:Regulating Health Care
Lecture:Nonprofit Accrediting Orgs, Regulatory Bodies, and Professional Associations in U.S. Health Care
Slide content:TJC Patient Safety Activities National Patient Safety Goals Universal Protocol Office of Quality Monitoring Speak Up Program Sentinel Event Policy 14
Slide notes:Patient safety is also a major focus of TJC . The National Patient Safety Goals program has created lists of tips for health care professionals to follow to prevent errors. For example, before administering a medication, a nurse should make sure he or she is administering medication to the correct patient by identifying the patient in two different ways, such as by name and birth date. The Universal Protocol is a standard procedure for surgery teams to follow to avoid performing the wrong procedure, operating on the wrong body site, or even operating on the wrong person. Some of the steps include marking the correct site and taking a time out before surgery, when the team pauses to take stock and agree that their plans are appropriate. The Joint Commission s Office of Quality Monitoring is interested in the details of patient complaints. It does not resolve complaints, but it uses information from patients to identify possible noncompliance with accreditation or certification standards. The Speak Up program encourages patients to help prevent medical errors by asking questions, educating themselves, and actively participating in their treatment. Finally, TJC reviews how health care organizations respond to sentinel events. That term refers to an unexpected death, an unexpected serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk of such an event. These events need immediate investigation and response. 14