Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:Introduction to Health Care and Public Health in the U.S.
Unit:Financing Health Care - Part 2
Lecture:Factors Contributing to Increasing U.S. Health Care Costs
Slide content:Chronic Disease and Increased Demand for Services Increased Utilization of Services Management/treatment to decrease risk of complications For example, aggressive treatment of diabetes to avoid such complications as heart disease, kidney failure, or blindness Early intervention at risk groups For example, weight loss, smoking cessation 16
Slide notes:Care for chronic illness requires increased utilization of health care services and resources. Management of chronic illness attempts to prevent further deterioration of the condition, maintain a satisfactory state of health and well-being, and decrease the risk of developing complications. For example, aggressive control of blood sugar can avoid damage to small blood vessels that could lead to heart disease, kidney failure, or blindness. In addition, early intervention with at-risk groups, such as smokers or the obese, may increase spending and utilization, but have the potential to result in lower long-term costs. 16