Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:Introduction to Health Care and Public Health in the U.S.
Unit:Financing Health Care - Part 1
Lecture:The role of health care in the U.S. economy
Slide content:Health Care Financing & Expenditures - 2 Health Care E xpenditures Represent the total value of the health care services delivered during some time period Methods for examining spending include: Category of Service Contributor payor 8
Slide notes:Health care expenditures, or spending, represent the total value of the services delivered during a time period, usually one year. Various methods can be used to examine spending, including category of service, contributor, and payor. Contributor and payor may appear to be the same, but there is a distinction to be made between the two. Contributors represent the various governmental and private entities that provide money into the pool or fund used to pay for services. Payors represent the fund or pool that pays for health care services. 8