Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:Introduction to Health Care and Public Health in the U.S.
Unit:Financing Health Care - Part 1
Lecture:The history of the health insurance industry in the U.S.
Slide content:ACA Expansion of Health Insurance Coverage 1 Subsidies for those who do not receive employer-provided health insurance up to 400% of U.S. poverty level Medicaid expansion by the states for those earning up to 133% of poverty level Coverage for children on adults policies up to age 26 Disallows denial for pre-existing conditions or becoming ill 17
Slide notes:There are a number of ways by which the ACA expands health insurance coverage. The first is the subsidization of insurance for those who do not receive employer-provided health insurance. This is done for individuals and families who earn up to 400% of the U.S. poverty level. These individuals and families purchase coverage on health insurance exchanges that aim to simplify the selection of plans. A second form of subsidy is the expansion of Medicaid for states that choose to do so, with 90% of the cost picked up by the federal government. Medicaid eligibility is expanded for those who earn up to 133% of the U.S. poverty level. Insurance coverage is expanded in other ways by the ACA, such as allowing children up to age 26 to remain on their parents health plans. The ACA also disallows the denial of insurance for pre-existing conditions or the dropping of insurance of those who become ill. 17