Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:Introduction to Health Care and Public Health in the U.S.
Unit:Financing Health Care - Part 1
Lecture:The history of the health insurance industry in the U.S.
Slide content:Medicare and Medicaid Laws: SSA Amendments 1965 Medicare: Title XVIII Social Insurance addresses care for elderly Funded through FICA Medicaid: Title XIX Social welfare or social protection Joint funded through Federal and state tax revenues Administered through the states Funded through general tax revenues 13
Slide notes:Two amendments to the Social Security Act became law in 1965: Title 18, a social insurance plan known as Medicare, and Title 19, a social welfare plan known as Medicaid . Medicare is a Federal insurance plan that reimburses providers and organizations directly for health care services. The main criteria for Medicare eligibility is that an individual be over the age of 65 or disabled . It is funded through the Federal Insurance Contributions Act or FICA, a payroll tax on an employee's earnings, which is matched by the employer. Medicaid is a combined federal-state program that provides insurance for the poor using state and federal tax revenues, with administration at the state level . The main criteria for Medicaid eligibility is limited income and financial resources, or disability. 13