Institute: ONC | Component: 1 | Unit: 3 | Lecture: a | Slide: 4
Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:Introduction to Health Care and Public Health in the U.S.
Unit:Delivering Health Care - Part 2
Lecture:Outpatient Facilities and Primary Care
Slide content:Other Outpatient Facilities Dental offices Medical and diagnostic laboratories Urgent Care Centers Mental Health Clinics Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment Center Outpatient Surgical Centers Physical and Occupational Therapy Centers Home Health Hospice Care 4
Slide notes:Outpatient facilities also include dental practices, and these may be the offices of general dentists or dentists who are specialists. Other outpatient facilities are medical or diagnostic laboratories, urgent care centers, mental health clinics, alcohol and substance abuse treatment centers, outpatient surgical centers, physical or occupational therapy centers, home health services, and hospice care services. 4