Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:Introduction to Health Care and Public Health in the U.S.
Unit:Delivering Health Care - Part 1
Lecture:Organization of Health Care and the Federal, State, and Local Levels
Slide content:State Health Care All states have a Department of Health Organizational structures vary Responsible for disease treatment, health promotion, care of special groups State governments partner with HHS National Academy for State Health Policy Works with states to improve health care access and quality Encourages collaboration with federal government, private companies, other states Example: national health care reform 22
Slide notes:With so much going on at the federal level, what is the role of individual states in providing health care? All states have a department of health, although organizational structures vary. State health departments manage disease prevention and treatment, health promotion, and public health services for special groups, such as racial and ethnic minorities, families, and senior citizens. State and local governments also partner with the HHS to provide these services through state or county agencies or private companies. Recognizing the disparities in the U.S. health care system, the National Academy for State Health Policy works with states to improve health care access and quality. The Academy encourages states to collaborate with the federal government and private companies, and to share information with other states. Currently, the Agency is working with states as they implement payment reform initiatives related to the Affordable Care Act, the most recent federal health care reform law. 22