Institute: ONC | Component: 1 | Unit: 10 | Lecture: c | Slide: 19
Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:Introduction to Health Care and Public Health in the U.S.
Unit:Meaningful Use
Lecture:Standards of Meaningful Use and the Future of Meaningful Use
Slide content:MU Effect on Patient Care - 2 Negative Primary care physicians scored better than specialists, though 90% had one or more exclusions (Wright et al., 2014) Physicians achieving MU not more likely to provide higher quality care ( Samal et al., 2014) 19
Slide notes:On the negative side, other studies have shown that primary care physicians tended to score better than specialists when it came to meaningful use, although 90% of those primary care physicians had one or more exclusions. Another study found that physicians who had achieved meaningful use were not any better in providing higher quality care than those not achieving meaningful use. 19