Institute:Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Workforce Training Curriculum
Component:Introduction to Health Care and Public Health in the U.S.
Unit:Introduction and History of Modern Health Care in the U.S.
Lecture:Components of Health Care Delivery and Finance
Slide content:Organization of the Health Care Industry 1.1 Table: Percent distribution of employment and establishments in health services by detailed industry sector, 2008. 24
Slide notes:This table reflects the organization of the health care industry, and shows the percent distribution of employment in establishments in the health services sector in 2008. You can see that about eighty-seven percent of establishments and forty-two percent of employment are in ambulatory health care services. And you can see in this table that hospitals comprise one-point-three percent of establishments, but employ thirty-four-point-six percent of the people who work in the health care industry. Nursing and residential care facilities are about eleven percent of the establishment and employ about twenty-three percent of workers in the health services sector. 24